Sound bits from Viktor in the movie "UnderWorld"
*UPDATE*Added 10 more soundbits. All these soundbits were added form the original movie. non from Evolution or the 3rd movie. Triggers....
ahyes "ah yes"
desires "he desires the one thing he can not have"
fearnot "Fear not"
incoherent "incoherent thoughts, nothing more"
taxing "your incompitance is most taxing"
no "no"
ridiculous "ridiculous"
oldest "it's the oldest story in the book"
tellme "tell me"
lol "laughing"
abomination "Abomination"
awakened "You know why i have been awakened servant"
chain "the chain has never been broken"
SOC "Ridiculous legend"
counsil "The counsil will convene and decide your fate"
descendant "Kill the descendant of corvinis"
die "Time to die"
Disturbing-Things "she has shown me a great many disturbing things, things that will be dealt with"
MyGift "Yes i have taken from you..but i have given so much more"
leaniancy "You will not be shown an ounce of leaniancy"
LeaveUs "Leave Us"
I-Love-You "I love You"
lycan "The Lycan"
protect "I did what was necessary to protect the species..As i am forced to do yet again"
Rested "I've rested enough"
ruckus "what is this ruckus"
discuss "We have much to discuss"
weak "Thic coven has grown weak" Remember you are only paying for the time it took to make this..Not the sounds themself.