Short Nails, Default Hands

This product is not for general users but for developers to derive their own short nail products from. The nails are plain brown now just to show devs where the design or color will be applied.

Not all women on IMVU wear their nails long. This products replaces the avatars large default hands with smaller, more realistic hands (not compatible with all jewelry) and short, curve trimmed nails. I added the opacity to this original mesh and perfected it with feedback from buyers of my short nail products. Now I'm making the product available as derivable so that you can design your own painted nails -- go wild with colors, flowers, etc! All nails will repeat the design. Works with all skin tones.

If you need short nails for the default, larger hands (which work with all jewelry products) please click my name above to search my other products. "Short Nails DefaultHands" is perfect for you.

All proceeds from the sale of this product go to support the "Mardi Gras 3000" universe of gaming and fiction which is free and open to *all* people.

Immortals. Redemption. Rock and Roll.