My short nails on small hands have proved to be popular but small hands don't work with all rings. Now, thanks to a very nice request from PeanutButterRhino, here is our first short nails product for the default avatar hand size. Works with all rings! Yay! This is *just* the nails. This product will not replace your hands. Nails will be a gentle coffee-and-cream tone (try in the dressing room to get an exact picture) to fit with many skins from 00 to 100. Need another color? Red? Pink? Black? Just come on over to my hp and make the request. It'll be up in 24 hours :) Thanks everyone!

All proceeds from the sale of this product go to support the "Mardi Gras 3000" universe of gaming and fiction which is free and open to *all* people.

Immortals. Redemption. Rock and Roll.