(Di) Club Polyxena

This elegant club is done in shades of pink, mauve, black, gray, and silver. I'd like to thank FoxCarrieL, ShortTempered, and kikipurplepuppy on IMVU and lassekongo83 on Deviant Art for textures used in creating this room. The staircases are done with an elegantly textured gray with silver embellishments. The walls are done in a deep shade of pink. The floor is done in a mauve marblelike texture. The ceiling is done in a black lit texture with a middle section in deep pink with the gray with silver embellishment ring. The wall decoration is done with 2 layered textures - 1 is a columned windowlike texture with an overlay of the gray with silver embellishment texture. There are black drapes and Victorian parted curtains. PLEASE NOTE: FURNITURE IN PICTURES NOT INCLUDED. Below are some pictures to assist you in deciding if this club suits your wants and needs for style and colors. Please use the try-it. All reviews are greatly appreciated.

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