Discount Music Ring Maker cheap and easy as it gets.

Do NOT buy this product!

This item is for developers derivation purposes only.

Your sound file has to be converted into .ogg  format and can't exceed 2Mb in size or 20 seconds in audio length.
After you created your.ogg sound file, use your IMVU previewer to derive from the Music Ring maker. (if you got the previewer already installed he will automatically pop up when you click the 'Derive from product' link on this page.

All you got to do now is to click the browse button (as shown in the picture) and locate your .ogg sound file. After that click 'Apply Changes' and save your new music ring. That's all, now you are ready to submit the product.

If you don't make location changes on the submit product page your item will show up under Female accessories - Rings (although it can be used by males as well) and will have the 'Try me' function ability.

Congratualtion you just created an invisible music ring = no trigger words needed, it will start as soon as you put it on.

Please make sure you comply with the IMVU rules and regulations before you submit your music item.

For best performance of the music ring use IMVU version 402.0 or older!
You might want to point that out in your product description.

Sailsbury Design