Warning 1: Do NOT buy this product! It's for develop purpose only!

This is layered hair, see here for examples of what can be done with this hairmesh!

Be aware that clipping can occure. Alike pretty much 99,9% of the hair in the catalog anyway. That just happens in 3D...

DO use the Try it to see how it will look.

A few examples of what can be done with this mesh:

Derivability info:

When you derive and use this mesh, you agree with the usual rules.

There are a lot of maps, you can see wich goes where according the color.
There is some freedom and creativity possible with the opacitymaps and also with the colors. You can use five different colors or just all the same.
Use straight hairtexturemaps, any size you want, but remember the smaller they are the smaller the file size will be..

In case of real trouble, message me.

It appears that it could be that when you derive, parts of the mesh don't appear in the previewer!
This is just some glitch of IMVU, once you load your own texturemap and opacity, everything shows up again!
I don't know why it does this, but the mesh works properly.