Deep in the sprawling and lifeless Khessed Mountains lies Fort Feste, an ancient hold rumored to have been constructed at the behest of a mad queen who wished to be forgotten by all of her subjects. After the queen's conspicuous death, the fort sat dormant in those forsaken mountains for centuries beyond count. When discovered by the Archduke's frontier armies, it was made into an outpost where soldiers of lawless stock were stationed, that they would be kept far away from the heartlands of their nation. As such, Fort Feste is more a hideout for the Archduke's own uniformed brigands than a legitimate military installation. Maker preserve the innocents living in the few surrounding homesteads...

Big, empty, medieval-style fortress. Standing spots scattered throughout. Nice view, if you're into bleak atmosphere. There isn't much I can say here that you can't see for yourself with the try it button. I may or may not produce matching furniture. This room was made more just for fun.