Blue sky set #7. I met with my two friends -- who also just so happen to be my bosses -- recently for an online meeting. We talked about many things including God, fate, and the impassioned path. But the conversation kept derailing as we all paused to adore the pet IMVU llama that one of us had brought along. And so, this stamp idea was born to remember that night always: Llamas rule, after all.

The stamp is standard 50 x 50 pixels with fully transparent scalloped edges. It is animated. It cycles between the words "I (heart) Llamas" and snapshots of the most perfect llama looking left, center and right.

All proceeds from the sale of this product go to support the "Mardi Gras 3000" universe of gaming and fiction which is free and open to *all* people.

Immortals. Redemption. Rock and Roll.