4u Sparkle Harts Goth


Sparkle Harts Nails

Please try these on before buying

Sparkle Harts Nails the base of these is 3 colour tones, the tips of the nails are frenched an there are 3 love hearts down the middle, in the middle of the hearts I have specked some white which glitters like diamond dust for effect, so they sparkle but not like bling in ya face, see my Super Sparkle range for that :)

Recently I went on a bender making nails, I did this because although I thought I saw a lot in the catalogue that I liked with flashy icons, when I actually tried them on it was a pixliated disappointment. I like really high detail, the kind you zoom in and just have to keep zooming into, layers of detail and I like it to be really fine so... get ya microscopes out and check these out :)




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