photo 9ae35703-f4e8-45f5-8bba-6674c1f2bb77_zpsa2e60850.jpg photo developer_zps69061826.gif photo redheadwarrior_zps77a25542.jpg  photo fireworkstexture_zpsf62b0ccd.jpg A new room for the fourth of July, has hidden room to open elevator trigger is up then step in trigger floor1 for hidden room to return to main room trigger is down for elevator to open and trigger for main floor to go down is go=round,, this is a very large club with two additional rooms of each side of the elevator, sophisticated texturesw with animated fireworks, as always try before you buy, and if you like please leave a kind review, enjoy have fun, and Happy Fopurth of July woohooo!!!  photo 4th1_zps16c0b13d.gif  photo 4th2_zps9b21207d.jpg  photo 4th1_zps37b3133f.jpg