Blue sky set #5. This is a very long-running joke. I mean, gee, like more than two months I've been telling this joke :D A friend of mine once sent me a very honest letter and shared many things with me. Whenever any of these things came up again... I informed her that, yeah, I got the memo. She always laughed and so did I... but not as hard as I laughed while making this stamp.

The stamp is standard 50 x 50 pixels with fully transparent scalloped edges. It is animated. It cycles between a yellow post-it style memo note with black writing saying: "Yeah..." and then "I got the memo." I know I have a mean streak so there's no need to remind me ;)

All proceeds from the sale of this product go to support the "Mardi Gras 3000" universe of gaming and fiction which is free and open to *all* people.

Immortals. Redemption. Rock and Roll.