A Full Sized Concert Grand! This piano includes both lead singer and accompanist singing animations. Exquisite, luxury black with gold accents, this grand piano will be sure to delight anyone. Enjoy seven different animations! Take one for yourself and give one as a wonderful delightful gift to a loved one.
Playing (seat icon on keys)
Playing While Singing, Lively (seat icon on keys)
Playing While Singing, Ballad (seat icon on keys)
Sitting on Piano while Singing (seat icon on front lip of piano)
Laying on Top of Piano Enjoying the music (seat icon behind music rack)
Sitting on corner of the bench singing (seat icon on bench)
Standing at piano singing (seat icon on floor in front of piano)
The Lid of this Piano is also animated. Do know sometimes these will conflict with some of the seat animations so do not use them while sitting on the piano, this will normally clear up after a bit.
'Open' Places it on the High Stick.
'Half' Places it on the Short Stick.
'Close' Closes the lid.
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