"Victorian Era Chemist's Shoppe"

The forerunner of the modern day pharmacy! The Chemist's Shoppe!
A basic room where you can add all of your favorite alchemy, herbal healing and wiccan items.
Shown here with the Greneda Beverage Bar by Bonkolina, bar not included.

Back to the days when the corner chemistry shoppe was the main watering hole in town.
This is a large fully enclosed building with 4 walls and a ceiling. Plenty of room to navigate for product placement
The front of the shoppe is a hand made glass, polished wood and brass original.

There will be plenty of KB space for your furnishings here! The entire weight of this room is a mere 223KB!

The marquee out front is in the traditional cobalt blue healing arts colors with soothing green tones in the glass

Go look and Please try before you buy.
Thanks for shopping with us!