This is a little red devil pet. It is adorable but never cute, it is hell spawned and anti anything cute or loving.
The triggers are
voodoo, voodooism, magic, sorcery, hi, bye, welcome, hello, BBFN, BFN, B4N, TTUL, CYO, bye-bye, bye-bye!, cheerio, brb, love, like, amorous, loving, heart, jealosy, fly, flying, flight, levitation, megaphone, loudhailer, yell, bawl, ghost, spectre, portal, entrance, fear, horror, think, deem, speculate, cry, weep, sob, mourn, bemoan, deplore, yes, right, eh, sure, no, not, nope, none, neither, bravo, encore, super, good, excellent, superior, LOL, FYA, ROTFL, ha, TNTL, rofl.

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