KDD  =  Kittekat Dutch Design

Did you write a review today?
Most people don't take the time to write a review. They often don't even know why they should.
A review is not just to please the designer but it also helps rising his star!
The more reviews and jalaponese a designer gets, the bigger the possibility to get the 'PRO'label.
And that means the crown on his work!!
So if you can spare the time: please write a review?

Information about the new product Information about the designer
A HUGE wardrobe!! And again a matching piece of furniture for the KDD Spring 2008 collection.
You are going to love the rotating door that hides a mirror.
There also is a luxurious, animated juwelery storage.
I discovered 17 poses/standing spots. Warn me if you find some more.
My name is Kitty, I live in the Netherlands, Europe. I am an interior decorator in my daily life and designing for IMVU is a real challange for me.
I hope you like my products as much as I love making them.

Please understand that refunding credits or exchanging my products for something else is not possible in any way!!
What does the product look like

Want to support KDD?

If you like what I design and if you wish to support Kittekat Dutch Design, you could copy and paste the HTML code from the banner into you homepage. You'll find it below.
<a href="http://www.imvu.com/catalog/index.php?manufacturers_id=11296803 "target="new""> <img src="dutch_design.gif" border="0"></a></font><font face="Verdana" size="2">

Thank you for your support: Kitty
Some extra, very important information

During the time I only had my I saved and saved for DAYS to buy the item of my dreams.
I was under the impression that the designers would be glad with my purchase.
I didn't know then what I know now: designers aren't happy with free credits.
Why not?
IMVU is giving away presents on the account of the us designers.
We ABSOLUTLY get nothing for that sale while to submitt the item we have to pay for it. 500 to IMVU, another various amount to the original designer and IMVU even puts 10% 'taxes' on top of it for their own profit.
They provide the coupons, WE give away the products!!

NO, I am not putting free credit buyers down!! I am informing them and asking them very politly to just buy IMVU products with their predits.
I guess that they, just like I once, don't know that about us designers not earning one bit on that particular sale!

Submitted 01-04-2008