#imvu-bc input, #imvu-bc select { border:1px solid white; } body, html { background-image: url(http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb240/giul9a/FUNDALE/Fundal_albastru_2.jpg) !important;background-color: #FFFFFF; } body, #product-details h1 { font-family:'Arial';color: Black; } a:link {color: #1951B9 !important;} a:visited {color: #993300 !important;} #imvu-bc, #imvu-bc select, #product-developer .bd, #bundle, #imvu-bc input, .jello-box .bd, #product-details, #product-developer-banner, #product-buttons-sub, #bundle .bd, .product, .product_pro, #ft, #ft_links{background: url(http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb240/giul9a/FUNDALE/background_realgoldalbastru.jpg) !important; background: #0099FF !important; } .jello-box, #product-description, #product-developer { border: 3px groove Black; } #bd .hd .bg, #product .hd, #keywords .hd, #also .hd, #reviews .hd, #product-developer div.hd, #bundle .hd, .jello-box .hd .bg{background-color: #0099FF !important;} .jello-box .hd .bg h3 {color: Black !important;font-family: 'Arial' !important;} #product-buttons #buy_now, #product-buttons-sub #buy_now_sub { background-color:Blue;color: Black;} #product-buttons #add_to_cart, #product-buttons-sub #add_to_cart_sub { background-color:Black;color: White;}#product-details{ background-image: url(http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb240/giul9a/FUNDALE/background_realgoldalbastru.jpg) !important; }
Why buying a backdrop scene that contains only one background, when u can have 10 BACKGROUNDS and a few effects.

A complete and interactive photo-lab to make your avatar photos, contest, stikers and more !!!
What is this? Well its an interactive item, basically a „background” to your photos, but really a complex item, you can choose one of the 10 backgrounds included, or 5 atmospheric effects , change a plane of added light or foreground!!

How to use: Place it on a room, it adds 5 standing points but you can use the points on your room :) , use the trigger words to change each item:

- b1 to b10 : Change background image,
- b0 deactivate it, so you can take photos of the room.

- fx1 to fx5 : Change "atmosphere effect" of the photo-lab ,
- fx0 deactivate.

- l1 to l5 : change 'light', well its really a plane in front of photolab but it makes an effect like color light ,
- l0 deactivate.

- f1 to f5 : change the front image ,
- f0 deactivate .

Note: It use blending in a lot of materials, so its very usual to make attachment like some hairstyles or clothes to vanished , its an imvu issue in blending materials, be conscient, sometimes changing camera angle helps.
Note2: to place 'over' a pose it could be usefull to press 'shift' key and move smoth


For the moment one action is having problems. I apologize in advance for that. The action in discussion is f2. It works perfectly in preview.


Multiple Backdrop Scene Fantasy_Backdrops _Scene_250x250 Fantasy_Backdrops_2_250x250

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