So you want a beautiful beach, and a great view. Well how about having it all - Beach, the ocean, romantic villa, gazeebo, and dock? You found it! Can you believe it?! I can, this Exotic Tropical Island is the most majical estate you will ever own! Not to mention the most Exotic!! This Gorgeous villa is surrounded by palm tress and the ocean, there are 100 standing and sitting nodes as well as animated swimming throughout the pool and the ocean, also there are 1000's of furniture nodes all over the island! Add: poses, furniture, and everything you want!! This is a wonderful place to relax and entertain your friends!!!!! If you think you have heard it all - not yet, those details arent even the the finer poins, you also have 2 floors a wraparound deck and balconey's to this lovely villa, a dock for your boats and toys (plenty of ocean room for your fun), a bright golden bridge that allows you to walk out onto your gazeebo!!! Get your best swimsuits on - cause were going to the beach!!! Enjoy~ for your pleaseure