i do like this, have you got stuff you never use and you wish you could hide it from your inventory list in the IMVU messenger? with this you can. It takes you to your Inventory page where you can delete unwanted items. You dont actually delete them they are moved and you can restore them if you wish too, but by deleting items you no longer use you make your list in the messenger shorter and easier to scroll through. Shown here actual size, made for my own benefit but on general sale. Also can be sue to apply items too. leave the Inventory page open and when you ant to apply a new room, piece of furniture or clothing for example, find it on the web page rather than in the messenger and click apply. As I have said made for my own use as im a visually impaired person and cant see the Inventory list in the messenger sometimes so made this as its biger and easier to use.
Actual size of flash sticker
and here is where it takes you too, see the tabs and the delete? :-)