Animated Puppy Love

Very cute puppy

Walking around you and sleeps for your feet

puppylovepic1.jpg picture by Mutssss

Click on the puppy and he will go in a circle around your feet then lay down

This is furniture you can place it in every room you want

puppylovepic4.jpg picture by Mutssss

puppylovepic3.jpg picture by Mutssss

puppylovepic5.jpg picture by Mutssss

puppylovepic2.jpg picture by Mutssss

More Puppy Fun

[my]Chihua Puppy Anim [my]Puppy Love Animated [my]Chihua Puppy Playing [my]Puppy Love Playing

puppyloveplaypic1.jpg picture by Mutssss  chihuapuppyplayipic1.jpg picture by Mutssss


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developermutsssbba.gif picture by Mutssss

mutsiebanner.gif picture by Mutssss