script for both voice box's ( and you will need both for it to make sense) if you copy and paste this to a note pad or word you can use this when you perform weddings ......... [Officiate] The /Rite of Handfasting recognizes the union of two spirits. It is a joining together before the community symbolizing the the union of the God and Goddess who though separate are One.... [Officiate] Your /presence within the Sacred Circle of this Rite testifies to your belief in this joining. [Officiate] The /Sacred Circle for Handfasting is formed by the sending forth of a Kiss representing Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.... When you feel this kiss acknowledge it by typing () then send it forth again... when the /kiss return to me I shall continue.... ~kisses the person to the east and waits for everyone to pass kiss round the circle and the kiss to return to her~ [Officiate] As the /circle is being cast, gaze upon it with your mind's eye. Watch it growing brighter until it a flame of purest blue - the colour of Truth! [Officiate] May the /space of this Rite be consecrated before the God and Goddess. We are gathered here to celebrate a Ritual of Love between this couple who have come to be Handfasted Now and Forever. ~turns to the bride and says~ is this your /will? <[Bride]> My strongest Will and my deepest desire. ~turns to Grom and says~ is this your will? <[Groom]> Aye, it is. With all I am. [Officiate] I will now call the /Quarters. Hail to the Lords of the Watchtower of the East, Powers of the /Air. Be here now as I present you those, who are to be Handfasted here today. With your clever fingers, tie closely the bonds between these two. Hail to the Lords of the Watchtower of the South, Powers of /Fire. Be here now as I present you those, who are to be Handfasted here today. With your all consuming love and passion reinforce that that is theirs and make it ever lasting. Hail to the Lords of the Watchtower of the West, Powers of /Water Be here now as I present to you those who are to be Handfasted here today. Give them the deepest of love and richness of body, of soul and of spirit. Hail to the Lords of the Watchtower of the North, Powers of /Earth Be here now as I present you those, who are to be Handfasted here today. Let your strength and constancy be theirs. [Officiate] ~speaking to the Bride~ now is the time to call upon your favourite aspect of the /Goddess to be here to witness and bless your handfasting. [IE <[Bride]> My gracious Lady, Dark and Wise ... I Call upon you to be present and bless the union of your lowly priestess and this woman. I ask this and pray thee attend.] [Officiate] ~speaking to the groom now is the time to call upon your favourite aspect of the /God to be here to witness and bless your handfasting. [IE <[Groom]> My Lord Lobo, He who is the Wolf spirit, I call upon You to lend us your strength and courage and bless this joining and grant it endurance.] [Officiate] We ask all /others who choose to invite their favourite aspect of the God and Goddess to call upon them to witness and bless this handfasting. (Exsamples) <..... > My Prince, bless this joining and grant them Your wisdom and illumination. <.....> I ask my Lady and my Lord the Green Man to be witness to this rite, and to bless [Bride] and [Groom]. <.....> Lunar Lady, Goddess Bright, be with us now, to celebrate this rite <.....> Lord and Lady, I ask your blessings of light and love for [Bride] and [Groom]. Blessed be. <.....> Lady of the Sun, please bless this unioun with your radiant joy and constancy. <.....> i call upon Freya and Freyr to bless this joining with your magic, love and the prosperity that they deserve. <.....> may they always meet with compassion and acceptance from those who stand outside the Circle. [Officiate] Are there any others? If not I shall /continue... [Officiate] The Circle is /Cast ! We are now between the Worlds, beyond the Bounds of Time, where Night and Day, Birth and Death, Joy and Sorrow meet as One! [Officiate] Upon the /Altar have been placed two candles representing the souls of this couple and the cord that shall join them. [Officiate] ~says to the Bride~, what symbol of /Unity have you brought to your handfasting? [IE]<[Bride]> A silver bracelet ... given in love by a dear one to welcome and symbolize the new love welcomed into my life. [Officiate] ~says to the Groom~ what symbol of Unity have you brought for your handfasting? [IE]<[Groom]> A ring... blessed by my love's touch. [Officiate] ~Using Wand~ In the names of the Goddess and the God I /consecrate these symbols! [Officiate] ~Lighting candles~ You have /both searched through many eons, many lifetimes and found each other once again. Your love for one another has been like unto that of the God and Goddess for though you are two your love has made you one. [Officiate] As you go forth into this life /remember...Like the Air your love should be freely given and freely received. Like the Fire your love should be bright and warming all who feel it. Like the Water your love should be pure, flowing always. Like the Earth your love should be constant and firm. [Officiate] [Officiate] Be /close, yet not too close. Possess one another with understanding. Have patience with each other. Have no fear and let not the ways nor words of the unenlightened give you unease.... for the God and Goddess are with you Now and Always. With the God and Goddess as your witness I ask you once again... [Officiate] ~says to Bride~, is it your will to be Handfasted to this /man? <[Bride]> YES!! [Officiate] ~to the Groom~, is it your will to be Handfasted to this /woman? [Groom]> Yes. :) [Officiate] ~says to Bride~ do you have any special /words you wish to say at this time? <[Bride]> Yes....[says her own vows and finished with something like <> or () to show she’s finished] [Officiate] ~to the Groom~, are there any special words you would like to say in /return? <[Groom]> ......[groom says his vows ] [Officiate] ~says to the bride and groom~ /repeat the following together: /You cannot possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give. You cannot command me for I am a free person. But I shall serve you in those ways you require and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand. I /pledge to you that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night, and the eyes into which I smile in the morning. I pledge to you the first bite from my meat and the first drink from my cup. I pledge to you my living and my dying, each equally in your care. I /shall be a shield for your back, and you for mine. I shall not slander you, nor you me. I shall honor you above all others, and when we quarrel, we shall do so in private and tell no strangers our grievances. This is my wedding vow to you. This is the marriage of equals. [Officiate] These /promises you make by the sun and the moon, by fire and water, by day and night, by land and sea. With these vows you swear, by the God and Goddess, to be full partners. If one drops the load, the other will pick it up. If one is a discredit to the other, his own honor will be forfeit, /generation upon generation, until he repairs that which was damaged and finds that which was lost. Should you fail to keep the oath you pledge today, the elements themselves will reach out and destroy you. [Officiate] The /Sun brings forth the Beginning; The Moon holds it in Darkness... As Above, so Below! For there is no greater Magic in the entire World Than that of two people joined together in LOVE. [Officiate] please /Join us now in chanting... as is their will, The Two are now One! SO MOTE IT BE!!! [Officiate] I /proclaim that you are Handfasted NOW and FOREVER!!! [Officiate] I shall now /dismiss the Quarters... Lords of the /East, Powers of Air, we thank you for joining in our circle and witnessing this handfasting. As we depart may there be Peace between us now and Forever Lords of the /South, Powers of Fire, we thank you for joining in our Circle and witnessing this handfasting As you depart may there be peace between us now and forever. Lords of the /West, Power of Water we thank you for joining in our circle and witnessing this handfasting. As you depart may there be peace between us now and forever. Lords of the /North, Powers of the Earth we thank you for joining in our circle and witnessing this handfasting As you depart may there be Peace between us now and forever. Blessed Be! [Officiate] /All those attending please thank those you have invited and let them depart at this time. <[Bride]> My Lady, thank you for your blessing ... and for laughing too much at your backward child. :) [Officiate] Shamaness and Raven, we thank you for attending and blessing this great union of two spirits. Depart in Peace and Total Love. <[Bride]> <> [Officiate] <> Thank you Freya and Freyr for blessing this handfasting. Stay if you will, go if you must. Blessed Be. Thank you, my Prince. We are most grateful for your presence here, and your blessings on these two now one. Lord and Lady, thank you for bestowing your blessings on [Bride] and [Groom]. Blessed Be. Thank you oh bright Lady for shining your love down on this gathering! May your light ever bless their union. <> <. Thank you my Lady and Lord, for being with us in our circle. Go or stay, as you will. My thanks to you. <> Lady of the Sun, you who make the day glad, thank you for wintessing the handfasting of [Bride] and [Groom]. As you depart, let there be peace between us now and forever. Blessed be. :) <[Groom]> Thank you for your warmth and presence, My lord Lobo. <> Spirit of Tolerance and Compassion, my thanks for your Blessing on these my friends. <> [Officiate] The Circle is /Open but Unbroken. May the Peace of the God and the Goddess go in your hearts. [Officiate] /Merry meet....and merry part...and merry meet again! Blessed Be