חופה Chuppah

Get married in Jewish tradition under this chuppah. A chuppah (also huppah, chupah, chuppa or in Hebrew חופה) is a canopy under which a Jewish couple stand during their wedding ceremony. A chuppah symbolizes the home that the couple will build together.


This product is the White Chuppah, you may also want to check out my Tallit Chuppah and animated Wedding Glass.

The chuppah represents a Jewish home symbolized by the cloth canopy and the four poles. Just as a chuppah is open on all four sides, so was the tent of Abraham open for hospitality. Thus, the chuppah represents hospitality to one's guests. This "home" initially lacks furniture as a reminder that the basis of a Jewish home is the people within it, not the possessions. The groom enters the chuppah first to represent his ownership of the home on behalf of the couple. When the bride then enters the chuppah it is as though the groom is providing her with shelter or clothing, and he thus publicly demonstrates his new responsibilities toward her.

Idea: You may want to customize this chuppah for your wedding by placing matching bouquets of flowers or other decorations on the top four corners or place over the existing bows on the poles.

This chuppah is made of white cloth with sheer white bows on the poles as you see in the picture above. Different lighting conditions will affect the color including the light in the Try-it room. If you would like to see this in the room which you plan to hold your ceremony, first find that room in the catalog and click Try-it, when that room is loaded click Try-it for this product and you will see this chuppah in that room.

Please try before you buy, no refunds.
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Mazel Tov!