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-Lotus Collection-
~MORE ROOMS, MUSES, DRAGONS AND OTHER THINGS YOU MAY ENJOY! Some things shown, have many other pieces that can be found in my catalog!~
Each color is an expression of one of the Five Feng Shui Elements: Fire, Earth, metal, Water, and Wood. The elements are used in specific areas according to the feng shui energy map of your space.
FIRE - PASSION AND HIGH ENERGY A balanced Feng Shui Fire element in your space will bring a supporting energy in all your career efforts and will help you achieve recognition.
Red, Orange, Purple, Pink, Strong Yellow
EARTH - NOURISHMENT AND STABILITY A strong and harmonious Feng Shui Earth element in your home will help create stability, nourishment and protection for all your relationships.
Light Yellow, Beige
metaL - CLARITY AND PRECISENESS Feng Shui metal element brings the qualities of sharpness, precision, clarity and efficiency; its balanced presence will help you live with clarity and lightness.
Grey, White
WATER - EASE, FRESHNESS AND ABUNDANCE A harmonious Feng Shui Water element will bring a refreshing energy of calm, ease, purity and freshness. Water is also the ancient symbol of abundance, thus a potent Feng Shui cure.
Blue, Black
WOOD - HEALTH AND VITALITY Lush and healing, the Feng Shui Wood element will bring the energy of health, vitality and growth. It is also an expression of abundance, thus an ancient Feng Shui cure for wealth and prosperity.
Green, Brown
~Sometimes you just KNOW that something belongs to you~ I hope you love it! *^.^*
Sometimes I put a collection of items together in order to have a better display, so PLEASE RECHECK the catalog icon to be sure of the color & style of the product TY!
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