paomnnehil pweor Transparent sticker. It says:

According to research at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place.



There is an explanation for being able to read this paragraph.

The right hemisphere sees words as pictures and can easily give a synonym like dad for father. It can also incorrectly give a look alike word like form for from. The meaning can be changed and so comprehension suffers. In the brain of a non-reader, the above paragraph is frustrating, not funny. A person with a right dominant brain suffers with reading and comprehension. A good reader will comprehend this paragraph because the words are familiar. But you couldn’t read this if the words were unfamiliar. 

The left hemisphere of our brain was created to sound out words phonetically while the right hemisphere is supposed to comprehend, infer, add emotion, etc.   Both sides of the brain were intended to work in concert when reading, so you and I can read the above paragraph. But it also the reason why it is difficult to proof read our own work!