RULES OF DATING 1) A date is an appointed time for the purpose of getting to know each other better. Making a date is comprised of one person asking the other person if they would like to go out to do something together, and the other person says yes. Then a date and time is set to meet. 2) After that, the date stands as a commitment. 3) Between the time of making the appointment until the date DOES NOT mean that the 2 people are a couple, or that every hour in between belongs to them exclusively, nor should one person follow the other person around until the date. It DOES mean that people may have other commitments so the date was set a few days in advance for a free evening. 4) Also, going on a date, or even several dates DOES NOT mean "taken". Unless there is discussion from both people with each other agreeing about a committed relationship...there isn't an exclusive relationship. 5) Going on a date doesn't mean that all other friends will be ignored and avoided from then on.