My fantasy isle spa is located in a remote section of your dreams. It is the perfect hideaway for two or more avatars. The spa which is located on the second floor has an adjoining sauna. The steam rises off the heaters while you sit on the benches and relax. Down the carpeted stairs is a space for sitting a sofa as well as exercise equipment and other furniture.

A few standing and sitting spots are included, a few by the pool outside as well as inside too. A few sitting spots in the sauna and downstairs near the front door. You may add others to your choosing. The stairs are covered in white shag carpeting and the walls bear a 60's retro look. There are two balconies that are perfect for entertaining guests as well. (accessories not included)

A set of previews are coming for this item. It has taken me quite afew days to put together the package that is here, and likely will take more time to get a set of snapshots, to be included here at a future date. Textures for the project were made in Texture Processor in alpha channel, cut and pasted into PDN templates, and saved as .jpg files for size considerations. The price may seem a little high on this item, but has been priced as reasonably as possible.