Version Number: 1.1

Version 1.1 Notes:

- Overhauled the way the Widget handles Damange Calculation
- Added the chance at a Critical Hit, reducing HP by 2
- Added a Gender Feature to the Input Menu
- Added a display for Gender on the Character Panel
- Added new "No Item" Feature where if the user doesn't wish to equip an item the program will auto display "None"
- Added new "No Nickname" Feature where if no nickname is inputed the widget will remove it from the display on the Character Panel
- Added new programming infrastructure for future updates
- Streamlined the way the Widget handles Player Selection on the Loadout Screen
- Streamlined the way the Widget deals with Turn Swapping
- Streamlined the way the Widget handles the transition to the Victory Screen
- Reorganized the single-panel Stat Input Menu into a multi-panel Stat Input Menu
- Changed the following Player Damage Calculation dialog text for extra clarity:
---"The attack hit!" has been switched to "Your foe's attack hit!"
---"The attack missed!' has been switched to "You dodged the foe's attack!"
- Cleaned up minor and duplicate code that had little to no purpose

Version Notes Archive

Product Details

This nearly invisible furniture item is composed of 10 standing poses and 10 color coded markers signifying the position of the competitors and the spectators! The rest of the furniture item is on screen as a Flash Widget!

This product comes in two sizes:
Junior Sized Arena - this arena is suited for small to normal sized rooms!
Standard Sized Arena - this arena is suited for large to arena sized rooms! Sized to be for stadium like battle areas!

Resetting the Game

In some cases people will lag out of a room or leave unexpectedly. In such an instance the program will have to be reset before starting a new one. If this situation ever arises simply step off the 10 standing nodes of this furniture item and step back onto it!
