Piano falls on avatar from high above.

A highly improbable event in real life, but in cartoons you have to watch out for falling pianos. And now it's going to be a problem on IMVU too! Just place this standing spot in your room and when an unsuspecting person steps on that spot, a piano falls from many stories up crushing the avatar. But do not worry, just like in a cartoon the avi is all better in a few seconds as if nothing happened.

You may also want to check out my Falling Safe available here.

Standing on street Looking up to see whats falling
There you are, standing on the street,
completely unaware of the impending doom.

You hear something and look up
and before you realize it...

Crushed by piano Shakes it off
You are crushed by a piano
that just fell from the sky.
You are a bit stunned for a few seconds
because, well, a piano just fell on you!
Do not worry, in a few seconds you are back to normal as if nothing happened. Just like in a cartoon!

The best way to place this furniture item in your room is by standing on the node and moving it to a place where you want a piano to fall from above. Note that you will get crushed by a falling piano while doing this!

Note: Animation and sound are in perfect time if your speed settings are normal (not slow or fast) and will be out of sync if you changed your settings.

Please try before you buy, no refunds.
If you have a problem or question please message me directly, not on the reviews.  I am always happy to help!
