This item is composed of 7 Textures with Material IDs of 00 through 06. The Dimension of the Templates are 256x256.


This is a Gym's most valuable piece of equipment, the ability to show off the reward for young Trainers who defeat the Leader. Because of this very fact most of the textures on this item remain in tact. The only mesh that needs to be textured is the stone display case! As such the order of the Summary below will begin with that Template!

P.S. to all Texture Artists: This derivable item is a bit more complex than most SCDerivable items. Please be warned that the Ball in this item was a challenge to unwrap and has caused seams in undesired locations. If you wish to avoid the headache please use the textures already on the mesh! However I will not stop those creative adventurers from trying to tackle this challenge! Templates found below!

Summary of the Templates:

Material 06 - This is the only Template that really needs to be colored. The left most outline is the front of the stone display case where a Leader's Badge can be placed! It is recommended that if you have a custom Badge that you place it here! The right outline is the remaining sides of the stone display case!

As a bonus I am also throwing in the completed Stone Display Case texture so all that needs to be done is to place the Badge where the snug indention is on the texture! FOR FUN AND EASY!

Materials 00 & 01 - This template is used for both the top half and bottom half of the Ball! 00 is the bottom of the Ball and 01 is the top of the Ball! Now to try and describe each outline as best I can. lol Wish me luck!
Okay, so the top left most outline is a rim on the exterior of both halves. The rim wraps all the way around the Ball halves and is found right before the slice in both halves.
The outline right beneath it, that looks similar in shape, is the same thing except it is the rim that is found on the interior of the Ball halves. Same location just on the inside!
The outline right under that one is a rim on the interior of both halves right above the previous rim.
The top right outline is the rims that touch each other when the Ball is closed!
The outline underneath that is the remaining portion of the Exterior of the Ball halves.
The outline on the bottom right is the remaining portion of the Interior of the Ball halves.

X.x Do yourself a favor though....just use what's already there and save yourself the headache!

Material 02 - This template is used for the base of the Display Case. This one is a lot more straight forward than the last one! The outline here is basically just an unwrapped version of the base! What's odd, however is the front of the base is the second large rectangle from the top and the back of the base is the very last large rectangle.

Materials 03 & 04 - This template is used by both the Ball's button base and the button itself! 03 is the base and 04 is the button! The top left outline is the top of the cylinder while the top right outline is the bottom of the cylinder! The outline on the bottom is an unwrapped outline of the sides of the cylinders!

Material 05 - This template is used for the hinge that connects both halves of the Ball. The outline is 1 side of the hinge that automatically gets mirrored on the other half of the hinge. Any simple metallic texture should work here!
