Painting by Atroshenko


Framed painting
by Andrew Atroshenko.

Andrew Atroshenko was born in 1965 in the city of Pokrovsk, Russia. Accepted as a gifted child in 1977 into the Children's Art School, Andrew graduated with honors in 1981.

Two years later, Andrew entered Bryansk Art College, and in 1991 was accepted at one of the most prestigious art schools in the world, the St. Petersburg Academy of Art.

In 1994, Andrew began taking part in exhibitions such as St. Petersburg Artists in Reutlingen, Germany, the exhibition of a group "Academy" in St. Petersburg (1996), and "Teacher's memory" (1997).

After graduation from St. Petersburg Academy of Art in 1999, Andrew was invited by a New England, US based art group "Bay Arts" to take part in their exhibitions and activities...