Piercing green eyes... lovely enough to make anyone jealous...
Make sure you check out the rest of my Envy products as well!

NOTE:Picture has NOT been enhanced. Try 'em on if you don't believe xP.
Hair and skin that go with these eyes...

My products don't have to all match... try mixing the colors together for some funky outfits ^^ Have fun!

Like my eyes? Why not collect them all? :3

WRATH... Male version available

SLOTH... Male version available

PRIDE... Male version coming soon

GLUTTONY... Male version coming soon

GREED... Male version available

Coming soon... LUST

Only some of these eyes are available for male avatars. If you're a guy and you're absolutely DYING for one of them, leave a request on my homepage... I'll get it done asap.
By the way, all of the eyes are shown with their matching skin.