________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUYER BEWARE!!! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT - ITS FOR DERIVING ONLY!! DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the Duplex Furniture Home B. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A ROOM - ITS A FURNITURE! This is a Duplex meant to fit into the Lakeshore Land room into one of the empty lots. NOTE: This will only work in that room if one or both extra lots have been blacked out/removed from that room because this version of the duplex has a basement. . In both of the units there are 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 3 bathrooms, front porches, back yard decks, and a good sized living rooms. There are some standard standing nodes as well as some standard sitting nodes. There are no furniture nodes in this product.. There are 36 textures required to derive this mesh. Thanks for your interest in my derivable products. :) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEVELOPERS: Please be aware - DO NOT leave your version of my product derivable. I file DCMA's on any versions that I find that are left derivable. Please be sure to un-check the derivable box when you are submitting your version to the catalog. Photobucket' border='0' />" readonly onClick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" STYLE="width: 1600px; ">