Julian Lennon Saltwater...
julian lennon songs
We are a rock revolving Around a golden sun We are a billion children Rolled into one So when I hear about The hole in the sky Saltwater wells in my eyes... Where do you go after a night of partying? to a sanctuary. Inspired by Julian Lennon " Saltwater" his hit single in 90s, i made this room surrounded by forest and waterfall. Dawn lover would perfectly fit in this room especially midnight chatters;) you can chat till dawn and sleep in this room haha. This room is unfurnished so you can style it with your creativity. I'm a scenery lover , my focus is the background specially made and i hope you enjoy it with your friends, lover or acquaintance. I accept custom room request if you would like to personalized it especially for someone or just for you, all you have to do is PM me;) Thank you for your purchase i appreciate it very much , my next fusion is Predator's night vision. Do visit my public chatroom " Saltwater (DTV)"for room ideas. Photobucket
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