Texture Guide:

m00- Stairs front and sides.
m01- Stairs Main
M02 -Bookshelf frames, pole on stairs, half wall upstairs.
M03- Books area on shelves 1. (recomended not to use opacity.)
M04 - Small blocks on the door frame, window frames, and pillars.
M05 - Large Blocks on the door frame, window frames, and pillars.
M06- Books area on shelves 2. (Recomended not to use opacity.)
M07-The area underneath the second floor (outside.)
M08- Second floor inside walls.
M09- first floor outside floor.
M10- Roof sides.
M11- Windows.
M12- First floor Inside walls.
M13- First floor outside walls.
M14- Second floor outside walls.
M15-Inside celings first and second floors.
M16- second floor--- floor.
M17- Books area on center book shelves. (opacity not recommended.)
M18- Books area2 on center book shelves. (opacity not recommended.)
M19- Roofs main.
M20- First floor--- floor.
M21- Support Beams for second floor (outside.)
M22- Roofs Trim.
M23- Door.

Books on Shelving Temmplate: