Beautiful black laquer cabinets trimed in shiny stainless steel. Has a beautiful stainless steele tiled counter top. Made to go in my "Stone Manor" room. Complete set includes all the modern appliances, double drawer dishwasher in piece 1, sink in piece 2, corner cabinet with dishes in pice 3, double oven with homemade bread baking to a perfect golden brown in piece 4, piece 5,7,9, and 10 are cabinets and drawers, and piece 8 is a magnifficent kitchen island stocked with canisters and bowls. This set is completely customizable and can be set up in many diffrent patterns. Use your "shift" and "ctrl" buttons from your keyboard to slide your individual pieces into place. EACH PIECE IS SOLD SEPERATELY in my catalog pages. I will be making a bundled set for these items. Be sure to check out the matching table and other matching pieces in this series.
Here is just 1 of the many diffrent cobinations you can use for your new kitchen pieces. Photobucket