[BD] Lightwave
Take this with you anywhere you go and triggers are:
"HideLW" - Just in case you want to put it away without remove it.
"ShowLW" - To Pull the Light Waver out after Hiding it
"RiseLW" - Creates a cylindrical tower that collapses
"FancySweep" - A series of 4 artist sweeping animations
"Spinner" - Creates a Tornado of spikes that whirl about madly
"Splash" - Spins the Light Waver like an exploding Rain Drop
"SqueezePulse" - Contacts and Beats
"Flower" - Splits the Array in two and creates a flower like animation
"CrazySweep" - A quick, spiky inversion and spin
"FlowerSpin" - The Light Waver transforms into bars that spin around the avie
"Clock" - Creates a Clock-work sweep at ground level
"StaircaseSweep" - The sections rise up like stairs and collapse back into a pool
"SweepSpinner" - A combination of several sweeps and spiky spins
"Pulsar" - It's like SqueezePulse, only quicker and more controlled