The G/A-34 is an oddity among GDI's products. Unlike the Vega Eagle or Trajectile, the G/A-34 Assault Gunboat was not built for the Imperial Military. Instead it was originally created for Private Military Contractors operating within the Imperium's Sphere of Influence in the Sagittarius Arm. When the Endless Wars began, many of these PMCs joined the Imperial Navy and lent their gunboats to bolster the light forces of the fleet. Today the G/A-34 is used to deploy special tac teams into hostile environments, or provide close escort to major combatants like the Retribution. Armaments: 4x 50 Caliber Rotary Auto Cannons, 2x 100mm Barrett Plasma Lances (wing tip mount), 1x Spinal 250mm Spinal Hellbore, 1x 120mm Spinal Mass Driver.