6 Magical Particle Powers

Trigger a power and you Avatar assumes a pose and shoots out particles.

TRY IT OUT, males only! you need to test as it wont be set to right heights with some over sized avatars.. Try BEFORE you buy ok.

Trigger words are: m1 , m2 , m3 , m4 , m5 , m6


I also have these set as common words, they are: fire , spell , love , zap , fire , magical

If an effect sticks, just trigger it again and it should go away.. weird IMVU glitch 105, understand fully before you purchase this that particles are in beta, triggered particles are like an experiment in the alpha of the beta.. ie they are as glitchy as heck.. but so cool.

These are perfect for fantasy role play, elf, wizards, elvan, hobbit, magician, magic

etc.. do note the low file size and this is with 3 diffrent poses and 6 images for the particles! My stuff is extreme low KB!