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Presenting Hots Nursery 1. Everything you need for your nursery. More being added. Babies will be added soon for this line. Check back for more. Other great baby items in my catty and also in HeyBartender. He has awesome products his catty a must to look at. DISCLOSURE NOTE: IMVU and mesher may cause issues to certain products. IMVU does their updates and whatever else they feel like it they will cause products to not work properly, remove it completely because they may choose to rerate the item or remove it completely. Mesher for the products sometimes decide to change items or just to be mean. I am sorry to say I have no control over them I wish I had a say but I don’t. Only over my meshes that I do have. So please leave me a message and I will see what I can do. Please try your product out. Please leave a review.
Elite Line individual items can be found in this drop down box.
HotDesigns4u and HeyBartender Bundles Check out other Bundles not included. Updated as we go along.