Native Eagle Feathers - Female/Male
Brown Feather Shoulder Ornaments Accented with White & Tan
Part of the Gone Native Accessories Collection
Even though good pics may be provided it's always a good idea to try before you buy to help ensure that catalog items are compatible and also meet your expectations


Brown, Tan & White Feathers worn across the avatar's upper shoulders
Made to match these other brown Eagle Feather accessories
Left Calf Right Calf
Wrist Cuffs Shoulder Feathers
Try them out with a Tail & Arm Feather set!
Falcon Arm Wings Falcon Tail Feathers
Hawk Arm Wings Hawk Tail Feathers


Click on an image below for a closer up / zoomed in view
Also available: These Complimentary 'GONE NATIVE' items
Animated Native Buffalo Skull Shield
Animated Native Warrior Eagle Shield
Animated Native Warrior Buffalo / Sun Shield
Animated Native Warrior Medicine Wheel / War Shield
Animated Native Warrior Heavy Spear
Animated Native Warrior Medium Spear

Animated Native Warrior Light Spear

Native Warrior Forearms - Male
Native Warrior Forearm MNative Warrior Forearm M

Native Warrior Tomahawk / Axe - Male
Native Face Paint Yanpa
Native Face Paint Ochre
Native Face Paint Magua
Native Face Paint Zink
Native Face Paint Shiuaa
Native Face Paint Nahqui
Native Raven Feathers M / F


Native Eagle Feathers M / F


Native Raven Feathers Male


Native Eagle Feathers Male


Brown Eagle Shoulder Feathers

Native Feather Headdress

Native Warrior Headdress

Turquoise Moon Pendant Male
Turquoise Moon Pendant Female
Turquoise Rings Male
Copper Spiral Hand Pendant - Male
Native Dugout Canoe