Self-illuminated Golden hued eyes. This is what happens when you eat a really good grilled cheese sandwich, even if its at a really skeevy old diner, with roaches... and the roaches are taking your orders, yep, they're that big. Even so, its worth it for a really good, I mean really really good grilled cheese sandwich, the kind that when you bite into it, you achieve nirvana for 10.3 seconds, and you see Buddha and he says, "wtf??!" slaps you in the head and yells, "gettoutta here ya nooch!", and suddenly you're back in the diner and you're in a wild passionate french-kiss with a 80 year old waitress named Mertle, and she's firmly grabbing yer , so you promptly get the f**k outta there by jumping through a glass window pane,

[[Hollywood Stuntman Style]]
smash, freezeframe! (1.3 seconds)

...And despite the hospital visit for the lacerations from the shards of glass, and the aftertaste of Mertle in your mouth, its all worth it, it's that good a grilled cheese brutha, that good indeed...