Just in time for Valentie's day...a fun new hair from The House of FR07en!

Brand new and full of fire comes this Ayu style hair in a firey russet, complete with dark undertones, creating a spectacular effect of multi 'lowlighting' while providing an 'animated' effect. The Hair2Day hair Collection is crafted to offer a sporty but totally feminine sexy look you're bound to love, and this new Russet will not disappoint! Even if you are a die-hard brunette or fair haired girl, you'll want to have this Hair2Day exclusive new product in the lovely long russet tresses for those times when you want to fire up a scene with a new a gorgeous look:) Enjoy, and happy Valentine's Day from FR07en!

FR07en]H2DRussetLongICON.jpgAnd a special thanks to smexy Shawn for modeling above and beyond the call of duty ~hugs~ Come check out the other products FR07en has devoted to this special day!
FR07en]ValentinoBearICONsz.jpgFR07en SSDarkValentineICONsz.jpg

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