Captain A.k.a - President - - - - - It has often been said that pirates were one of the first true democracies, in that they elected their captains, and often other officers as well. It must be stated that though there are several examples of pirates being voted into and out of power this was not always the case by any means. - - - - - Whether he commanded by election or imposition the pirate captain was the supreme commander aboard his ship. The men sailed where he told them to, fought when and whom he told them to and on the whole were ruled by him. For the elected captain his position was a precarious one, his men would obey him as long as he kept making sensible orders and brought them success, if he failed they would vote him out of office and elect another in his place. For the captain who ruled by force the position was equally precarious, if he failed to lead them successfully he faced mutiny and murder.
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