This room is huge!!!! Roam this beautiful landscape while enjoying the beautiful sunset on the horizon. An Oriental style home on pilings looks out over the countryside from the highest point in the room! This room has two animated drive nodes, thirty miles of road, thousands of furniture nodes, hundreds of lodgepole pine trees, a tunnel and three bridges! Photobucket Below are pics of the location of the drive spots. The best way to find the drive spots is to go to the location, then load your vehicle of choice. Use the move control to move the vehicle around until it points down the road. DO NOT ROTATE THE VEHICLE, IT WILL ROTATE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WHEN IT HITS THE SPOT! DRIVE 1 Photobucket DRIVE2 Photobucket If you have any problems with this room, feel free to contact me and I will assist in any way I can! As always TRY BEFORE YOU BUY AND IF YOU DO BUY, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! Thanks for shopping with Timberwolf1156b! While you're shopping, don't forget to check out ROXIEROSE13'S catalog! It's chock full of sexy things for ladies and men!!!! Just click the image below!