My third release of the Lupus Dragon: Lupus Dragus Exgersis. You still won't find this type of dragon anywhere and you most certainly won't be able to mimic the details that he has. An intricate wire of lines zig-zag and criss cross the body of the dragon. Still possesses the same commands but different pair of wings and an eerie pair of red glowing eyes with no irises/pupils.

Type yes to make him nod, no to make him shake his head, hover to summon him from where he is and to have him hover by your side, and jump to make him leap into the air once.

RP Buff: Legend has it that two legendary twin dragons, born of the same will arise when too much of one energy fills the land. Positive energy will recount Lupus Dragus Genesis while Negative energy will rcount Lupus Dragus Exgersis. Both shall come to fight and scorch the land, purging the land of all life until they cancel each other out. These two dragons are the epitome of resurrection and destruction. Possessing one will grant you the ability to command the abilities it has. Having them both shall make you truly worth of a 'god'.

Proud supporter of WaltzingMouse.