To see this banner, please feel free to check out the one at the top of my home page. Why on earth would anyone want to buy a banner from me that advertises my products? Well, wonder no more...
Just so you know, the breakeven price (my cost without any profit at all) is 150 credits. My price for selling this banner is set to 175 credits.. a whopping grand total of 25 credits profit per banner sold. Still, aside from not much markup, why would you want my banner on your page?
Simple! If you purchase my banner (size is 700x100- the perfect size to cover the IMVU banner at the bottom of your page by the way) and you purchase anything else from me, I will gladly refund you via gifted credits a 10% discount. This is not a one time thing. As long as your banner is still posted when I come to send you a "thank you for purchasing from me note," I will either gift you a 10% refund as a discount or gift you something from your wishlist of equivalent value. So, if you have a Gold Pas or a VIP discount, this means you'll save an additional 10% above and beyond those discounts.
Now THATS why you'll wnt to buy one of my banner!
Luv Ya!