The hibachi (Japanese: literally "fire bowl") is a traditional Japanese heating device. Although the word is Japanese and the device is strongly associated with Japan, the hibachi originated in China as a type of portable charcoal brazier used to the homes of the nobility. It is not known when the hibachi was first used in Japan; however written records suggest that it was used by the Heian period (798-1185AD).

They were originally used mainly by the samurai classes and aristocrats but gradually spread among ordinary people. Their design developed throughout the Edo period, and was used in the form of tables with dug out middle section to accommodate charcoal. One common use, is to teapots, or keep them warm.

This is a traditional design Japanese Habachi table, made with antique wood. Comes with dug out middle section and old cast iron Japanese teapot. Also has 4 traditional style zabuton cushions made with red edo period cloth covers. Lovely to add to your home while entertaining your guests around this traditional piece common in Japanese culture.

For other versions:
Japanese Hibachi table 1
Japanese Hibachi table 3


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