My very first room mesh, based on descriptions of the alien Kelvassi by AlexKurunThorne. Over 800 furniture nodes and about 30 stand nodes, there is a lot of real estate in here. Unique styled pyramid, leaning obelisks, arches are all based on triangular architectural pattern, the nebula sky moves slowly, and the twin moons hanging overhead remind visitors that they are most certainly NOT in Kansas anymore! Add in the reddish ambient lighting and a slight haze on the air, and this is an OBVIOUS alien world where humans just might not be able to survive... My catalog includes three types of small, poseless temples made specifically for this city room, and a hut as well. Between myself and Alex our goal is to present the long lost Kelvassi race in as grand a manner as possible. Original mesh, made with help of AlexKurunThorne. Try before you buy, no refunds possible.