Brite Pink and Black accented Pearl Choker. Glitters & Sparkles all day long. These two pictures are zoomed in on the biggest screen to get all the detail ... but don't worry it glitters like mad on the regular/small screen too. The product icon includes both the Front and Back views in one image ... it is not 6 strands high. More colors coming soon. Please try before you buy - something I recomend w/ or w/o preview pictures.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

******* Please Note *******
There is a little clipping on the sides of the choker, that was not visible while I derived it. This is no fault of mine, nor is it the fault of the original mesher. It is simply because the neck in the previewer is not a thick (at the base of the neck) as the neck in the client seems to be. I don't believe anything can be done about that at this time. I have seen a few poses stretch the neck just enough to avoid this clipping effect, so someday a solution may present itself.