Three months ago, it began. Maybe earlier, but if so, we were not informed. We, that's the citizens of Redville, Idaho. We grew up with the huge facilities of GSI, Genetic Science Industries; and no-one ever wondered what they really did inside. It was just one of many companies, doing one of many kinds of business in the industrial area. When we were kids, my brother Tommy and I shared a room, and we could see the chimneys of GSI from our window. It was nothing special - for many years.
But things have changed, and most people believe that it began in a laboratory of GSI. One of the last printed newspapers reported about it, but it was already too late. The article said some experiments went wrong, and the virus broke out. As if we wouldn't have noticed. The infected were all over the city. Some wore GSI logos on the ripped clothes, but no-one can tell if they were scientists or lab rats. They look disgusting; some have limbs where humans don't, some have tentacle growths and others look like they are rotting alive. And hell, they are alive and hungry!
My brother and I were not stupid enough to believe the government would send help. It was said the army would come, but as far as I know, they never showed up. Tommy and I got our camping stuff together and left the city, and we went to grandpa's old hunting hut in the forests. For now, we are save here. We have food, we have guns, we have wood to keep the fire burning. But we know that we won't be save forever. One day, and I'm afraid that day comes sooner than we hope or expect, the mutants won't find enough victims in the city anymore. When the only inhabitants are mutants, and the humans are history. Then they'll start to spread out, and they'll also roam the dark woods where we are hiding. Oh Lord, I pray we have enough guns to survive this day...

Looking for the matching furniture and deco? Check my co-devs CelesteCyrannus and IamSalvation and fill your shelter with rusty, dirty and broken reminders of better days, for example:

Police Car Light Hydro

Sofa Wire







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Sethro BJTK
