A Flash Banner for Myself..

The Links Include:

1. My Cattie.

2. My Homepage

3. Thirteenn's Contest Group. A great group with lots of fun games and contests! Its judged fairly and lots of prizes are given. This group has my full support :)

4. Addicted to Gifting Group Link. Owner is Jadin334BD or known as Jadin.. She is a great creator and amazing to do have this group up and going. Its an amazing group that I fully support and glad Jadin lets me have my own thread in her group..

5. Second Look Group Link. This is only one part of this amazing group.. They are formally known as First Look Developers. They help out alot of developers in the hardest part we can have of developing and that is adveristing. Second Look holds the fun part, with contests and hanging out. First Look is for the developers. If interested, message me for more information.. I am proud to be apart of this group and their support for me.

The picture below is how it looks like with the change of the third "button" which now reads "13's Contest Group"..
